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Posted by c**** (ip:)
  • Date 2018-05-04 14:07:45
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  • 6**** 2018-05-09 13:54:55 0points
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    Spam 😍😍 1st place winners will get "2 pieces of dresses for mom & winner" and "free shipping coupon" as well! :) 😍😍
    Please comment your story here! Love you all ! Happy Mother's Day 💗
  • J**** 2018-05-12 10:25:49 0points
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    Spam my mother had me when she was only 18 years old. she is like a friend to me and we share similar interests and even fashion sense. since she separated from my father and i only get to see her whenever she is free, i cried a lot because i missed her. every mothers day and her birthday, i would cry writing out my message for her. she has done a lot for me and my siblings and i would really like to thank her with a great mother’s day gift. this year, again, i will not be able to meet her for mother’s day. i will celebrate it later with her.

    my strong mother, thank you.

    we are from singapore!! and we like to wear crop tops and shorts/skirts!!
  • B**** 2018-05-12 10:52:19 0points
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    Spam Me and my mom didn’t have the most steady relationship growing up tbh... I was a naughty annoying kid and she was like the typical strict Asian mom :P as I grew older I learned to appreciate everything she’s done for us and the sacrifices and what she has done for me and my sis and we got to understand each other better. She would work like 2 jobs or constant OT just so she could support me and my sister (while our dad was also working constantly) by taking us ot to eat or buy new clothes and other fun stuff :D now I think about it I was prob a bit spoiled!

    I’d say Her fashion style is completely different from me haha. Shes more conservative dresser while I’m definitely more girly. :3 but we both LOVE dresses! she’s a bigger shopper like me too haha. ;) like mother like daughter right? But we aren’t wasteful and get more than we need :P

    I really love my mom! We didn’t always get along but i know she really has done a lot for me and I couldn’t be more grateful. We were NOT rich by any means but we made the best we could with what we have. Life is short and I want to cherish every moment I can with her .
  • J**** 2018-05-12 15:47:16 0points
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    Spam Me and my family moved to the United States 14 years ago from Korea! My mom and dad did not speak any English at the time, but moved because of me and my sister's education. We were not the wealthiest family, but my mom is such a strong women who cares about me and my siblings more than herself. My mom is the person I admire the most and I want to become a mother to my own child just like her. She works every day of her week and barely has any time to do shopping for herself. I always ask my mom if she wants any clothing from 66girls because this is one of the only places I shop for clothes and my mom surprising likes 66girls as well!

    Just like any other mom in the world, she is beautiful and strong and I love her! I would like a little something to give to my mom through 66girls!

    사랑합니당 엄마~
  • A**** 2018-05-13 00:54:45 0points
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    Spam Who doesn't love the person who gave life to him/her? And continued seeing that you continue walking tall and strong in life? I love my mom just as much as any normal person out there does his/hers. My mom basically had to raise herself from a very young age because my maternal grandmother (her mom) suffered many ailments -catamenial epilepsy, etc.-that impaired her from bringing my mom up so well. At 14, my mom was brought to Los Angeles, CA (USA) by her closest aunt; but due to circumstances, my mom had to continue providing and fending for herself--working and paying the rent for an apt. These chapters of her life made her into what she is today though. Like all good parents, they want to give their children more than what they had; and I know my mom has done so for both my brother and I. My brother is in a rock-n-roll band--a genre that isn''t so well taken by many people--but, my mom goes to every single one of his shows and supports him in every way she can-even selling his band merchandise. And although she doesn't really like the music genre, she goes for the love of her son. As for me, during my undergraduate years in college, my mom always sent me packed with home-cooked meals--life, nutrient and soul. I grew up being hospitalized a lot with pneumonia and asthma, and my mom was always there beside me, meanwhile my father worked so hard to provide for us. All good parents make such sacrifices. There are too many to list for each and everyone of us here, I believe. But, the love of a mother is strong, as is the love of a child for a mother/maternal -like figure.

    My mom was a beauty. She grew up in the 80s with a fondness for New Wave and an appreciation for 50-60s fashion. She'd always drive past some vintage clothing stores that sold 50-60s dresses on her way to work, but she never dared enter because she couldn't afford to spend much at the time--prioritizing rent and bills over the rest. Her fashion sense then was conservative and as close to what she could afford to 50-60s american fashion--she loved and to this day, still loves neutral colors, like me, that can pair well and make many casual-semi-casul and formal outfits: we love black, brown, greys and dark colors that aren't too showy, but, are not too dull, either. Today, however, we are better off, thank God. Although we aren't rich or either of the two extremes, we are ok. But, when I start making an actual pay, I will spend on her and my father for all that they did for me! I also share my mom's fashion sense; however, unlike her, I do like wearing Spring-time colors and patterns (e.g. flowers) when the weather is appropriate.

    I thank you at 66girls for offering the opportunity for all us daughters to share a little about our mom's with the idea of giving something back in return. The thought is the most genuine and lovely. I wish your mother's/maternal figures in your lives a Happy Mother's Day, as well. Thank you.
  • R**** 2018-05-13 09:59:11 0points
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    Spam My mom just turns 49 this year... looking back the old time, my family was pretty poor, so she and my dad tried to do everything she could to help me, my sisters, and my family to have a unworried life. She has never think for herself... but back in that days, I was so young to realized everything she has done is just for us. Everyday, she went home and yelled and yelled because we didn’t clean the house... But who knows that she was just stress and tired.. right now we came to the US, of course we are having a better life, but... she getting older and... sick. Cause back in her young ages, she has done so many heavy jobs or jobs that requires a lot of strength, her back now is hurting, her legs is swollen up because she stands too much for so long. Although me and her don’t have a really close relationship back then, but right now I wish that she’ll getting better everyday... I am sorry for my behavior back then.. right now I am cooking, doing chores just to make her feel good. After all, I love you, Mom.
  • J**** 2018-05-14 09:06:24 0points
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    Spam My mom and I live in Canada. She immigrated to Canada when she was about 28-29 years old. After 2-3 years later, my dad immigrated as well and then they got married. Even though she's been in Canada for years, she still doesn't know how to speak English haha. Even though she scolds me all the time, there's always a reason. She supports my decisions which is what I love about her. She never forces me to do what I don't like. My mom's fashion style is very casual. She likes any clothing that's comfortable and colourful. She'll like tops that have flower patterns and pastel colours. Since it is mother's day today, I bought her a Japanese cheesecake and gave her a flower. What makes me happy is seeing her healthy and happy. Things have been tough for her. I'm thankful for everything she has done for me and my family. Thank you. Happy Mother's Day!
  • J**** 2018-05-14 16:09:22 0points
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    Spam I live in Canada now, and my mom live in Korea. I'm working at Japanese restaurant here, and it is hard time. However, I can stand it, because of my mom.
    When I came here, my mom cried. She said, she want that 1 year goes fast (because I stay here for a year). I didn't cry with her because if she see that I cry, she will be more sad.
    She said she wants to go shopping with me but I cannot do that now. I'm always sorry about that.
    And I just call her and say "Thank you, mom. Today is mother's day here." I want to wear beautiful dress of 66girls when I go back to Korea! And I really want to say "I really missed you, and I really really love you!" to my mom! My mom and I will be happy.
    Thank you.
  • K**** 2018-05-16 14:11:13 0points
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    Spam I'm in high school right now, and I live separate from my mom. She's in Korea and I'm currently in Canada. It's been 2 years since she moved to Korea and it's tough but I know it's for the best of my family. I can't wait to see her again during this summer. I'm thankful for my mom, but I also hope all the moms in this world had a lovely mother's day. I hope that they know that their existence means so much in this world.
  • V**** 2018-05-17 00:05:20 0points
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    Spam My mother and I do not have a perfect relationship but we still love each other. We are from Calexico, California and as a Mexican American we celebrate her day twice! Anyways, something interesting is that we both wear a majority of the same colors so it’s either all black or all light colors but I prefer tight pants and she likes loose ones.
  • M**** 2018-05-17 04:49:09 0points
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    Spam In 2006, my mother left her family and friends —everything— behind in our tightknit village in Vietnam in order to bring me and my sister to the United States — specifically Seattle, Washington. She went from being a respected high school teacher to a nail manicurist, from knowing everyone in our village to being unable to interact with most others due to the language barrier, from being relatively financially stable to relying on local food banks for nutrition. While this may be a typical story for most immigrant parents, it doesn't make her life-changing decision any less special to me. As a child, I actually remember being resentful of her. Why was I being forced to leave my home and everyone that I knew? Now, I am able to fully comprehend the magnitude and significance of her sacrifice. I was able to adapt and integrate into American society as a child and while her English has improved and she has a few other Vietnamese friends here, the United States remains incomparable to Vietnam. Yet, she has persevered with her labor-intensive nail job — all for me and my sister. In our family, saying "I love you" to one another is a rare occurrence. However, I see her love for me in her everyday acts whether it be her insisting on cooking my every meal, babying me when I'm sick, or nagging me to go to sleep early - in this way, I feel her rmString of maternal love for me every day. When I am reminded about all of this, I can't help but think I would do anything for her, but I think part of the reason behind my immense love of my mom is that she doesn't want me to do anything for her. For her, fulfillment is to see me successful and happy.

    Still, I attempt to do little acts in order to brighten up her day. As a high school student, extravagant gifts are out of my reach (for now), but my mom enjoys the small gifts like flowers, cards, and clothing all the same. I must've gotten my shopping addiction from her considering how happy she is trying on a new clothing item for me to see. Her fashion sense, on the other hand, is quite different from mine. She loves formal silhouettes like blazers and mid-length dresses, but on an everyday basis, I find that she favors casual feminine pieces in muted colors or anything floral. To me, though, she looks beautiful in everything.
  • F**** 2018-05-17 05:30:09 0points
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    Spam I love that my mom gives me the freedom to choose what I want to do. We've had a time where our relationship wasn't the best but we're close now and that's all that matters. She's so funny and such a troll and I love that!
  • 6**** 2018-05-18 13:29:37 0points
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    Spam --------------------THE EVENT IS CLOSED------------------------------------

    Thank you for your story ♥
    The Winners Will Be Announced on May 21st, so please wait for it!! Love you all :)

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